
发表于: 2018-9-2 19:08:26 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 |倒序浏览

About 5.8 percent of the population — 7.2 million households — qualify as millionaires, meaning that they have at least $1 million laying around, excluding their real estate holdings, retirement plans and business partnerships.

美国人口中占5.8%的720万个家庭可以称作百万财主 。这些家庭除了房产、退休金和商业合股 人股份之外,还有至少100万美元。

Kiplinger, publisher of business forecasts and personal finance advice, partnered with Phoenix Marketing International to figure out how many millionaires live in 933 urban areas with populations of at least 50,000 residents.

美国的商业预测和小我 理财出版  商吉普林与菲尼克斯国际营销公司对人口5万以上的933个城区联合进行了一项查询拜访 ,统计有若干 百万财主 。

The Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk area of Connecticut takes the top spot. About 9 percent of its residents — 31,506 of the people who live there — can call themselves millionaires.

结果显示,康涅狄克州的布里奇波特-斯坦福德-诺沃克地区  的百万财主 人数最多,有31,506人,占本地 居民的9%。

Not only is this part of Connecticut close to New York City, but the enclave is also home to a number of hedge funds and prominent companies, including Priceline's parent company, and the Xerox Corporation. These attributes are enough to give this tony Connecticut locality an edge over Silicon Valley.

那里不仅靠近纽约市,也是一些对冲基金和知名公司的总部所在地,包含 普里斯林(Priceline)母公司和施乐公司。这足以让康州这块处所 的财主 人数跨越 硅谷。

The California regions of San Jose, Sunnyvale and Santa Clara, which includes Silicon Valley, comes in second with 61,264 millionaire households — 9 percent of all households. The area is home to some of the biggest tech companies in the world, and Google, Apple and Facebook are nearby.

加州的圣何塞、桑尼维尔以及硅谷所在的圣克拉拉地区  名列第二,那里9%的家庭、共61,264户为百万财主 。那里是一些全球最年夜 的科技公司所在地,谷歌、苹果和脸书的总部都在邻近 。

The nation's capital slides into the third spot. Washington, D.C., and its suburbs draw highly educated Americans looking for influential jobs. The 206,361 millionaire households in the region account for 8.9 percent of D.C.'s 2.3 million households.

排名第三的是首都华盛顿地区  。华盛顿特区及近郊的一些县吸引了受过高等  教育、寻求有影响力的工作的美国人。这里有206,361个百万财主 家庭,占年夜 约230万户家庭的8.9%。

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