
发表于: 2018-9-7 11:12:44 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 |正序浏览

Choose this program if you want a life changing and unique experience!

如果你想转变 你的生活和拥有奇特 经历,就快来加入我们吧!

I spent two months with other volunteer Nepal and I would definitely recommend it to everyone who is thinking about a volunteer program in Nepal.


The communication before I arrived was smooth. Bhagawan (he is the one responsible for the communication with the volunteers) answered all of my queries fast and copious. This made me feel very comfortable even before i arrived. He then picked me up from the airport and I spend the first days with him and his very sweet wife Manju. They made me feel like at home! They provided super delicious food, went on activities with me and gave me some Nepalese language and culture lessons.

我和志愿者组织工作人员的行前沟通异常 顺畅。Bhagawan(本地 志愿者组织负责人)能迅速而准确的回答了我所有的问题。这使我在达到 之前完全没有任何的疑惑和担心 。我抵达的当天,他在机场接我,我和他的家庭共度了在尼泊尔的第一天。他们让我宾至如归的感到 !他们为我煮了一餐超等 美味的晚餐,带我随处 参不雅 ,还给我上了尼泊尔语言和文化课。

Once arrived at the monastery where I should live for the further two months Bhagawan never hesitated to contact me questioning if everything is ok. He and his wife even visited me once in a while to make sure that everything is really ok. The time in the monastery itself was also more then perfect: the accommodation was super clean and western style (even with a western toilet for yourself :) ), The food was changing everyday and delicious. The monks itself made my stay an incredible experience: you will feel like gaining 100 of new brothers. They are really open-minded and share everything with you.

我的志愿办事 是在一家修道院里进行的,我会在这里住两个月。Bhagawan会不时地与我联系,询问是否一切正常。他和他的妻子也会经常来看我,以确保一切正常。我在修道院时光是完美的:住宿异常 清洁 ,西式作风 (甚至连西式茅厕 也适合自己),食物方面,每天都不合  菜肴,并且 美味可口。僧侣们让我留下了一个终生 难忘的经历:你会感到 到像是获得了100个新的兄弟。他们思想异常 开明,愿意与你分享一切的事情。

After my two months were over, I started a trekking trip with my brother through the himalayas. Bhagawan gave us loads of information and even helped us with the transportation. He was even ok to leave our luggages with him during this time as we didn't needed them.

在我这两个月的志愿办事 结束后,我和我的兄弟一起徒步穿越了喜马拉雅山。Bhagawan给我们提供了年夜 量的信息,赞助 我们支配 了交通对象 ,他甚至还帮我们看管行李。

All in all, I would really recommend we volunteer nepal. Bhagawan and his wife are two very kind hearted people which will make your volunteering experience a very unique one!

总而言之,我真的会推荐尼泊尔志愿者给所有我认识的人。Bhagawan和他的妻子是两个异常 善良的人,他们将使你的志愿经历异常 奇特 !

如想了解更多资讯,请存眷 我的头条号cbeorg,评论后私信我:尼泊尔国际志愿者

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