
发表于: 2017-11-21 15:51:41 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 |倒序浏览

How to make our words achieve the desired effect rather than nonsenses?
1、 关注当下避免想法迁移
Focus on the present and avoid changing thoughts

We have a habit for workplace communication which is to be likely to change our thoughts because of something.
When having conversation, we may have other things in our mind which will make it less efficient.
To avoid this, we should focus on the present. We should conversate with others with curiosities and don’t worry other things. That has nothing to do with the conversation. The most important people is the one in front of you.
2、 不要好为人师
Don’t be fond of teaching others

The more experienced we are, the more willing we are to share our experiences with others. We expect that we can help others with our sharing. However, we neglect that they may not think so.
Supposing that you want to state your views in the conversation, it’s better to use tone of modesty than tone of irrefutability.

3、 尽量不要用“不”扫尾
Try not to use NO as the initial word

The best way to draw others attention is to say no: Your points are wrong, I don’t agree with you, I am opposed to your opinions. The education teaches us that everthing is dualistic, Especially when people face with the important events. They always think that they are the right party.
Therefore, they are used to negate others and prove their views are correct. They hardly realize that it will lead the conversation to debate, confrontation, argument and eventually unpleasant separation.
4、 运用开放式的成绩
Ask open-ended questions

The greatest advantage of asking open-ended questions is that it can open the conversation and help express more our thoughts and opinions. We can use who, what, when, where, why and how to ask an open-ended question.
Close-ended questions will limit the answers in a small range. When interviewing the bride at wedding site and we ask “Are you pleasant?” The answer could be “Yes” or “No”. And if we ask “What makes you so pleasant, how do you feel, what else, the result will be obviously different.
Asking open-ended questions can have others describe the concrete situation and give us more chances to have further conversation.

5、 让想法“涌”出来
Express your thoughts correctly

During the good conversation, we should express our thoughts correctly.
The key is when others are making statements, we should focus on the conversation itself rather than how we should express when it’s our turn.
6、 假如你不知道 就说你不知道
Admit you don’t know if you don’t know

Those who are boastful won’t be a popular talker.
Perhaps some of you want others to pay attention to you. But the best method is to speak and act cautiously.
Don’t become undesirable because of your obtrusion. And don’t act as you know everything because it will influence others. After all, walls have ears.

7、 简明扼要 别说废话
Be precise when making a statement

Most of the people seldom do that especially when others are interested in your subjects. We usually make mistakes like Aunt Xiang Lin do. We tell the details to others but who cares?
Be precise in conversation. The less the inessentials are, the better. In fact, people don’t really care about the details. They are more concerned about what kind of people you are and what relationship they can form with you.
8、 尽量别反复本人说过的话
Don’t repeat what you said

I need to stress it for three times for its importance. It was very popular in Circle of Friends. But if you keep repeating what you said in the conversation, others will change their positive impression on you.
They will think you are aggreesive and hard to get along with.
9、 仔细倾听
Listen carefully

Most of us don’t listen to others for understandings but for making respond. In the meeting room, we have no intention to try to understand others’ positions and viewpoints. We try to seize the mistakes they made and beat back.
Be curious like a child. Discover, listen and explore everyone’s view and know their stories.


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